The below booking terms and conditions apply to individual bookings made online or via Reindeer Manor sales office and reception. For group bookings of more than 10 persons and / or 3 Aurora Glass Suites, separate terms are applied.
Reindeer Manor is a brand of Luxury Action Ltd.
When making a reservation to Reindeer Manor, you must provide the following information: name of the travelers, nationality, date of birth for children, phone number, email, payment method, arrival and departure date.
A booking is confirmed when Reindeer Manor has received the deposit payment and you have received a booking number. Reindeer Manor reserves the right to reject confirmation if the payment has not been received. All bookings are subject to availability and are not confirmed until written confirmation has been provided.
NOTE: Different cancellation & booking terms may be applied during holiday periods, see payment terms section.
Reindeer Manor accepts most common credit/debit cards. The hotel is not obliged to accept foreign currency, vouchers, checks or credit/debit cards unless.
In case the booking has not been paid in advance it should be settled upon arrival at the hotel by cash or credit card. When booking accommodation, the hotel is entitled to approve and charge international credit cards. A booking fee may be charged from the credit card as a prepayment. This will be deducted from the final invoice. If the hotel has not made an approval for prepayment from your credit card, the hotel is entitled to require a deposit for additional services.
When making a booking through the sales office, the customer gets a payment link or an invoice. Deposit payment of 30% will be invoiced at the time of booking to confirm the reservation. 70% is due 30 days before the commence of the stay. During holiday season 15.12.2024 – 6.1.2025 invoice is due 60 days before the commence of the stay for bookings.
If the booking is made less than 30 days before the commence of the stay (less than 60 days before the commence of the stay for bookings during the 15.12.24-6.1.25), the final invoice will due three (3) days after the booking has been made (non-refundable).
When booking online, 30% of the total of the booked accommodation and services will be paid upon booking. The rest of the total will be paid via an online payment link that Reindeer Manor Sales or Reception will send before the rest payment is due (30/60 days prior to arrival).
Cancellations must always be done in writing. Cancellation is valid when Reindeer Manor receives a written notice of cancellation. It is highly recommended for the customer to have a valid travel insurance in case of sudden need to cancel the booking.
Cancellation is free of charge when cancellation has been done
– 30 days prior to arrival during the period 1.11.2024 – 14.12.2024 and 7.1.2025 – 16.4.2025
– 60 day prior to arrival during the period 15.12.2024 – 6.1.2025
Reindeer Manor reserves the right to modify or cancel the reservation in circumstances outside of the control of Luxury Action Ltd. that are classified as Force Majeure situations by the government of Finland. Or any other circumstances beyond reasonable control preventing the rendering of the purchased services. Such Force Majeure situations include, but are not limited to: pandemics, earthquakes, floods, war, or acts of terrorism.
When booking 3 rooms / 10 persons or more, different policies and rates may apply.
Please contact for group bookings.
Reindeer Manor is a brand of Luxury Action Ltd.
Reindeer Manor
Isotaalontie 285
99130 LEVI
General terms and conditions for package travel apply to packages that cover a period of at least 24 hours or include overnight accommodation and are purchased primarily for private purposes, combining at least
two of the following types of travel services:
1) carriage of passengers, 2) accommodation, 3) rental of cars or other motor vehicles within the meaning of Section 2(3) of the Act on Travel Service Combinations, such as motorcycles requiring a Category A driving licence or self-
propelled vehicles with at least four wheels and a design speed of more than 25 km/h, or one of the above in combination with 4) any other essential tourist service, provided that the package is sold or marketed in Finland.
Isotaalontie 285,
99130 Sirkka
+358 20 128 0880
Luxury igloo suites with private services in Levi offering exclusive and unforgettable experiences.